Obfuscator Tools

A free and efficient obfuscator for JavaScript.Make your code harder to copy and prevent people from stealing your work.

Security photo

What is an Obfuscator?

An obfuscator is a tool used to increase the security of a program by making the code more complicated to read while retaining functionality.

Input code here

Obfuscated code here

Segment box
Segment box

Protect your Code

A program that scrambles source code in order to make the program difficult to understand or reverse engineer.

How it works?

Why to use Obfuscator?

The industry's most extensively used JavaScript encoding and obfuscation tool.
Reduces the size and efficiency of JavaScript files, allowing applications to load faster and use less bandwidth.
Always strive to keep the code's operational qualities while minimising its overall byte footprint.
Reduces the size and efficiency of JavaScript files, allowing applications to load faster and use less bandwidth.